The Weirdest Bounties on BountyFans

BountyFans is a unique platform where fans can pledge money to content creators for them to complete certain tasks or challenges. While some of these bounties are fairly straightforward, such as creating a specific video or doing a product review, others are downright bizarre.

In this blog post, we're going to explore some of the weirdest bounties we've come across on BountyFans. Get ready to be amazed, amused, and possibly a little bit confused!

1) Wear a banana suit for an entire day

We've all seen those giant banana suits at Halloween stores, but have you ever thought about wearing one for an entire day? Well, one fan did, and they offered up a $500 bounty for their favorite content creator to do just that. The catch? They had to wear it in public and document the entire experience on video.

2) Create a rap song about a pet lizard

Some people love their pets so much that they want to immortalize them in song. That's exactly what one fan did when they pledged $100 for their favorite content creator to create a personalized rap about their pet lizard. We can only imagine what the lyrics were like!

3) Sing "I Will Always Love You" while eating a spoonful of cinnamon

This bounty is not for the faint of heart (or lungs). A fan offered up $200 for a content creator to sing Whitney Houston's classic ballad "I Will Always Love You" while simultaneously eating a spoonful of cinnamon. We're not sure if anyone actually claimed this bounty, but we'd love to see the video if they did!

4) I'll pay you to do my homework

Moving on, we have the "I'll pay you to do my homework" bounty. We're not saying we condone this type of behavior, but we have to admit, it's pretty funny. We've seen fans offer up to $50 for a content creator to do their math homework for them. Hey, if you're going to cheat, you might as well do it in style, right?

5) Dress up as a unicorn and give a motivational speech

Unicorns are magical creatures, but can they inspire us to greatness? One fan thought so, and they offered up a $250 bounty for a content creator to dress up as a unicorn and give a motivational speech. We're not sure what the speech was about, but we're guessing it involved a lot of rainbows and sparkles.

These are just a few examples of the weird and wonderful bounties you can find on BountyFans. Who knows what other strange requests fans will come up with in the future? All we know is that we can't wait to see them!